Custom Floral Arrangements

English Mass or Hydrangea Bouquet

English Mass Bouquet, Hydrangea Bouquet
A mass of hydrangeas interlaced with colorful flowers.
Price based on size and flower choice


Biedermeier Arrangement

Biedermeier Arrangement, Floral Bouquet, Flowers, Bouquet
Biedermeier floral design is round or conical in form with concentric pattering using circles or spirals of flowers and foliage. Ideal for vases or bouquets.
Prices start at $45 and up depending upon flowers and size.


Cluster Bouquet

Cluster & Zone Bouquet, Flower Bouquet, Floral Arrangement, Flowers, Flower Design
An arrangement with any flowers of choice that will cluster around a central focal flower, like the hydrangea above.
Prices start at $60 and up depending upon flowers and size.


Contemporary Foliage with Flowers

Contemporary Design: Foliage with Flowers
Our most popular arrangement.
Can be made as a bouquet or centerpiece.
May be done with any color flowers for your next event.
Starting at $45, price based on size, flowers and quantity. 

Tropical Arrangement

Tropical Arrangement, Tropical Flowers, Floral Design

We can do any custom, tropical or contemporary design for your home, business, office or next event.

Call, text or email for a free consultation.

The Botanical Journey

713-264-1384 or

We also have seasonal flowers.